Sun Prairie Village Storm Drainage PER
(storm drainage, wastewater)
BSCE was contracted to develop a storm drainage Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to assess the drainage problems experienced within the unincorporated community of Sun Prairie Village.
BSCE initiated the project by collected historical data regarding the community and the construction methods used while building the existing infrastructure. BSCE then performed a topographic survey of the existing streets using GPS.
The GPS survey was used to develop general street grades and drainage patterns throughout the unincorporated community. Estimated peak flow rates were then computed using the Rational Method with existing street grades and composite runoff coefficients.
It was determined through this hydrologic study that the existing streets did not have adequate storage capacity within the deteriorating curb and gutter to accommodate the expected runoff flows. Roadside ditches were sized to convey stormwater runoff originating from the community while maintaining adequate capacity to reduce the risk of flooding.